What is Intraocular pressure?

Dec 08, 2023 by EMPWellness Admin

Before we discuss this issue, we should know that intraocular pressure or IOP (Intraocular pressure) actually refers to the pressure caused by the production of liquid inside the eye and also the changes in the volume of muscles around it. The problem in draining fluids inside the eye causes this disease. The eyes continuously make a clear liquid that flows in front of the eyes and then drains out. Normally, the amount of fluid entering the eye is equal to the amount leaving the eye. If this fluid does not leave the eye when it should, your eye pressure will increase.

 Measuring this pressure is a diagnostic method for patients exposed to black water. Normal IOP should be a number between 10 and 21 mm of mercury and when this value increases for various reasons, a person will be involved with high IOP and it is necessary to see an eye doctor as soon as possible in order to reduce eye damage.

The thing that should be considered is that if the treatment is not done on time and this problem is not solved correctly, then the increase in IOP can lead to irreparable vision problems and even loss of vision. Therefore, it is necessary when facing such a problem, a person immediately goes to an ophthalmologist to be monitored and examined regularly.

IOP symptoms in adults

What are the symptoms of IOP? This is a question that people are usually looking for an answer to. In response to these people, it should be said that usually those who are involved with IOP do not notice any specific symptoms and practically this problem has no symptoms and they only notice this when they go to an ophthalmologist for an eye examination and the relevant doctor measures their eye pressure.

Therefore, regular eye examination and health check by an ophthalmologist can prevent many eye problems in the future.

What factors affect the increase and change of IOP is another question that needs to be answered. In this section, some of these cases are mentioned so that by observing some points, this problem can be prevented or postponed.

It should be noted that IOP is constantly changing and factors such as exercise, breathing, heart rate or even drinking fluids can cause it to rise and fall. The point to be noted is that pressure changes in the normal range are normal, and if the IOP exceeds 21, this issue should be taken seriously. Because they can cause some serious eye disorders such as glaucoma.

Also, the IOP of those who consume alcoholic and caffeinated beverages may change and increase due to the occurrence of things such as cough and nausea and blood pressure. Also, moving heavy equipment can be effective in increasing IOP.

It is worth noting that high and abnormal IOP can be caused by various factors, but it is generally caused by one of the following:

-If the intraocular fluid is produced more than normal.

-If there is a blockage or a defect in the way of exiting intraocular fluid or aqueous humor.

-Some sudden blows to the eyes due to an accident or accident are also effective in the occurrence of this problem.

-People who use certain medications such as corticosteroids can be prone to intraocular pressure problems.

-Aging is another factor that affects the occurrence of this problem, and generally people over 40 years old are more exposed to this disease.

-Occurrence of some eye disorders such as myopia and glaucoma can put a person at risk of conflict with an increase outside the normal range of intraocular pressure.

-Another important factor in this context is genetics and heredity, which can be passed from one generation to the next.

-People with underlying diseases such as diabetes may experience this disease due to the changes that occur in their blood vessels.

-Vision disorders such as pigment dispersion syndrome or red arc or thin cornea can be effective in facing this problem.

There is a type of omega-3 fatty acid called docosahexaenoic acid, which leads to the proper functioning of the retina and prevents high  intraocular pressure pressure. Therefore, regular consumption of foods containing docosahexaenoic acid is recommended. This useful acid can be found in foods such as oysters, tuna, salmon, etc. In the following, there are explanations about useful foods in this field.

Refusal to consume trans fats

Foods containing omega-3 fatty acids improve the function of the retina and can lead to a decrease in intraocular pressure. These acids are abundantly found in foods such as salmon and oysters. It should be noted that, on the other hand, eating foods that contain trans fatty acids, such as fried foods and ice cream, is very harmful and can lead to an increase in IOP.

Sometimes consuming foods with high sugar content

High blood sugar is one of the factors that increaseIOP. Therefore, people who suffer from obesity and diabetes are more exposed to this disease than others. For this reason, it is essential that these people use a proper diet so that their insulin levels do not increase suddenly. These people should avoid eating foods such as rice, pasta, bread, etc., which have a lot of carbohydrates as much as possible.

Consuming foods containing zeaxanthin and lutein

Including foods such as cabbage, vegetables, rose water, broccoli, etc. in the diet can be effective in controlling IOP and prevent the risks of exposure to it to a large extent.

In addition to all the mentioned cases, another thing that is effective in reducing the amount of insulin in the body and consequently reducing intraocular pressure is exercising. At least 30 minutes of exercise a day will greatly reduce the risk of conflict.

Home treatment of eye pressure

There are some simple home remedies that can be used to treat IOP. Some of these methods are mentioned in the following article


For this purpose, you can massage the eyelids daily to increase the blood circulation in this area and also stimulate the lacrimal glands. This will reduce intraocular pressure.

Sun exposure

Another way to reduce IOP is exposure to the sun. This work expands the muscles around the eyes and increases blood circulation.

eye exercise

Another thing that can help is eye exercises. Regular exercise strengthens the muscles in this area and improves blood circulation.

Hot and cold compresses

Hot and cold eye compresses can reduce eye fatigue and relax its muscles. In this way, IOP can be reduced.

Chamomile tea

One of the traditional methods that can be used to quickly treat IOP is the consumption of chamomile tea. Because chamomile is known as a relaxing plant, it can be effective in quickly reducing  intraocular pressure.

other things

In addition to the above, the use of ingredients such as whole milk and cucumber can be effective in this field and reduce inflammation and IOP.



There are various factors that affect the amount of IOP and cause it to increase abnormally. Therefore, it is necessary for people over the age of 40 to be sensitive in this matter and to make corrective changes in their diet in order to prevent such a problem. It should also be mentioned that regular exercise and stress reduction are also effective in improving this issue.

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